Thursday, December 14, 2017

Unwrap a Good Book For Christmas

I don't know about you, but I am always looking for awesome reading promotions to do with my students.  I teach 5-8, and it can sometimes be a bit challenging to get my 7th and 8th graders excited about reading. 

This November, I attended AASL and attended a session on reading promotions at the middle school level.  The presenter talked about a reading promotion she ran called Unwrap a Good Book For Christmas.  I had done something similar to this last year and Valentine's Day "Blind Date With a Book" and it seemed to go over well, so I thought this would be a perfect fit as well.

Here's How the Promotion Works:

1.  Find some awesome books your students would enjoy reading (I picked a bunch of our new books.  Books I knew would be awesome reads, but my students hadn't gotten a hold of them yet)
2.  Get some gift tags and inexpensive wrapping paper.
3.  On the tags write down the barcode number and some hints about the book, such as the book's genre, theme, first line, etc.
4.  Wrap the book up.
5.  Display them
6.  Create a way for your students to tell you about their books.  I decided to create a Padlet and have students tell me about their book on there.
7.  If you like, give students a little incentive for reading after they complete their mini review.  I took a party bag and filled it with candy, erasers, stickers.  

My students really are enjoying this reading promotion, and are coming in daily looking for a new book to read.  If you are looking for an exciting holiday related reading promotion, this may be the perfect fit.

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